Week of Action


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Take action today by calling the FDA and your Congressional representatives. We have suggested language for these messages. Please add your own personal reasons for wanting vaccines for kids!



Call: 1-888-463-6332

Press 3, then 1, then 1 to connect to the correct department

What To Say On The Phone

“Hi, this is NAME. I am calling to tell the FDA to use your power to stop delays on vaccines for kids under 5.  

It’s time to cut the red tape and make COVID vaccines accessible for ALL children. We have the science, we know these vaccines are safe, and COVID has harmed too many families.

The bottom-line is this: Our leaders need to take action NOW to prioritize children. They deserve protection and it is unethical to deny them during a raging pandemic.  

There are many ways to take urgent action, you can remove “age de-escalation” barriers to allow access for younger age groups immediately when the data is available. Physicians can be allowed to use their expertise to vaccinate children through the normal “off label” process. 

Please do not make us wait any longer to protect our children!”


Elected Officials

U.S. Senate Health Committee Leadership

Chair Senator Patty Murray - (202) 224-2621

Senator Bernie Sanders - (202) 224-5141

Ranking Member Senator Richard Burr - (202) 224-3154

Senator Susan Collins - (202) 224-2523

Find your own Senator to Call: https://www.help.senate.gov/about/members

Find your Representative to Call:

What To Say On The Phone

Hi, this is NAME. [Insert personal info - if you live in their state/district tell them where you live and tell them if you are a parent or a doctor.] I am calling to ask if NAME OF ELECTED will join me in supporting the campaign to cut bureaucratic tape so children under 5 can access COVID vaccines.  

We have the science, we know these vaccines are safe, and COVID has harmed too many families.

The bottom-line is this: Our leaders need to take action NOW to prioritize children. They deserve protection and it is unethical to deny them during a raging pandemic.  

There are many ways to take urgent action Congress can direct the CDC to allow physicians to use their expertise to do it through the normal “off label” process. “Age de-escalation” barriers can be removed to allow access for younger age groups immediately when the data is available. 

Please hold congressional hearings to gain greater transparency from our health agencies about the trials and process. This is critical to maintain public trust and allow doctors to advocate for their patients.

Please do not make us wait any longer to protect our children!

[ADD any personal reasons about you and your family!]